March 28, 2017



Nathan Lee


初中信主,預科蒙召,大學時期參與學園傳道會的門徒訓練與短宣體驗,並以「協助完成大使命」(Helping fulfill the Great Commission)為人生方向。畢業後於大學、中學投身教學,不忘神恩,只想趁年青回應昔日上帝之呼召,就放下教席,婚後旋即與妻子報讀建道神學院,接受全時間的神學裝備。其後得師長與教會支持,便往以色列深造,同時在當地華人教會協助講道及教導。蒙上帝帶領,2016年夏天舉家來到溫尼伯,同年8月加入溫城華人宣道會牧養團隊,開始擔任粵語部牧者。

個人興趣:閱讀、旅遊、足球(利物浦、德國國家隊擁躉)、乒乓球、游泳、踏單車、遠足、匹克球(pickle ball)。

文章: 樂在「棋」中添親情



Hon Kiu, Cheung


In 1991, before participating in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, Hon Kiu, Cheung made up his mind to believe in God at Conservative Baptist Yan Lok Church. In the same year, he was baptized, joined the church, and participated in Sunday Service and fellowship. God led him to Winnipeg in January 2020, with his wife and three children. In February 2020, led by a brother from the Mandarin Church, he came to Winnipeg Chinese Alliance Church to participate in the worship and Sunday school of the Cantonese Church. In 2022, after graduating from the Red River College, he happened to meet the church hiring an administrative assistant and was lucky to be hired. He is very grateful to be used by the Lord, to continue to serve in God’s family, to serve brothers and sisters and to serve God. As in Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." When he looked back, he found that all of these were led by God. May all glory and praise be given to our gracious Lord!

張漢橋弟兄九一年參與香港中學會考前在浸信宣道會恩樂堂決志信主,同年受洗加入教會,參與崇拜與團契事奉。在神的帶領下,二零二零年一月,與太太帶著三名兒女從香港來到温尼伯。同年二月,在一位國語堂的弟兄的引領下來到温城華人宣道會參與粵語堂的崇拜及主日學。二零二二年,在紅河學院畢業後,剛巧遇上教會聘請行政助理,並有幸獲得錄用。能夠被主使用,繼續在神的家裡事奉,服侍弟兄姊妹亦服侍神,實在萬分感恩。正如箴言三章五至六節所記:「你要專心仰賴耶和華, 不可倚靠自己的聰明, 在你一切所行的事上都要認定他, 他必指引你的路。」默然回首,這一切都是神的帶領,願一切榮耀頌讚都歸給我們滿有恩典的主!


Llew Bridges


Llew is one of the best guys anyone could know. Though quiet and unassuming, he is humble, hardworking, and not daunted by even the toughest of jobs. Llew has a true servant’s heart and we are exceedingly fortunate to have him with us.

任何人都知道Llew是最好之一。 雖然安靜和謙遜,他很謙虛,勤奮,不怕最艱辛的工作。 Llew有一個真正的僕人的心,我們非常幸運有他與我們一起。